The first podcast on a new culture of feminine leadership in Europe, focusing on what it takes to show up as voices of underrepresented communities. Brought to you by Lucia Klestincova & Rick Zednik, two friends connected through their passion for the EU policy making, gender equality and Slovakia. Tune in if you’re also a coaching-junkie, EU aficionado or just aware of the importance of courage & tribe for how we show up as leaders in the political arena. Available on all major podcast platforms as well as YouTube on the channel of Lucia Klestincova. Please help us spread the light further if you subscribe and invite your friends to follow us too!
Thursday May 07, 2020
[EN] Experiencing sexual and domestic violence in a toxic relationship
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
EXPERIENCING SEXUAL AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN A TOXIC RELATIONSHIP tortures too many many women and men in the European Union and the USA. Even more during COVID-19 pandemics. Here’s the first myth-busting interview on gender-based violence; before we go into the specific challenges (and strategies for protection) during the lock-down. Tune into this first episode out of an expert series dedicated to this problem, with an exclusive focus on the two continents.
In this episode, we discuss and demystify:
- What is sexual, gender-based, intimate-partner violence?
- When is a healthy relationship shifting to an unhealthy pattern?
- Can you be one of the victims of cyber-violence or gaslighting?
- What’s the power & control dynamics in an abusive relationship?
- How to turn your inner voice into defining a safety plan?
- How bad is the stigma attached to rape in America vs. Europe?
- Do we have the right statistical data on how pervasive this crime is for women, men, LGBTI or migrant communities?
- What is consent, especially if you’re a teenager experimenting with your own identity and sexuality?
Lucia Klestincova, your host of Lights on Europe interviews Brianna Hertford, who spent 6 years as an advocate for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence in the United States. She has been a counselor for adults and children experiencing violence, a medical advocate for survivors of sexual assault, and has worked in emergency shelters. She currently works with a Brussels-based NGO that advocates for human rights at a political level. She manages two programs: women’s rights and gender equality; and LGBTQI people and human rights. Brianna has a MA in International Migration with a specialization in Human Rights Law from the University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies, and a BS in Psychology from Northeastern University.
As you probably know, sexual violence occurs all around the world. Although in most countries there has been little research conducted on the problem, available data suggest that in some countries nearly one in four women may experience sexual violence by an intimate partner, and up to one-third of adolescent girls report their first sexual experience as being forced. (WHO)
Lucia's Social Media
Instagram: @luciaklestincova
IG podcast: @lightsoneurope
Sunday May 03, 2020
[EN] Behind the scenes at the House of European History
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
“Understanding why we came together is essential to continue building our European history.” How should we deal with the challenge of finding common European narratives across 50 countries? Listen to the story of curating the House of European History and filling it with objects from all around Europe.
Lucia Klestincova speaks to William Parker-Jenkins, Communications Manager at one of the most unique museums in the world. You will also learn how you can make most of a visit and how you can contribute to the collection with objects related to Brexit or other European phenomena.
For more episodes, follow Lights on Europe on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify or go to
To share your feedback, get in touch with Lucia Klestincova via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
William's Social Media
Twitter: @WillParkerBrx
Lucia's Social Media
Instagram: @luciaklestincova
IG podcast: @lightsoneurope
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
[SK] Naši influenceri píšu viac o Európe. Vďaka komu?
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Asi máloktorý úradník sa v rámci práce stretáva s Veronikou Cifrovou Ostrihoňovou a zháňa nových influencerov na tik-toku. Asi máloktorý kreatívec či fashion-bloger by veril, že dokáže slobodne vyjadriť svoj talent v centre európskej byrokracie. Ak ste minulý rok sledovali kampaň vyzývajúcu k voľbám do Európskeho parlamentu, možno ste dostávali newsletter od istej Petry.
Dnes sa táto Petra, Petra Rusinová, zhovára s Luciou Kleštincovou o tom, ako sa z Liptova a štúdia krajčírstva dostala cez Luxemburg do európskych inštitúcií. Zistíte, ako vznikajú spolupráce Európskeho parlamentu s influencermi, ako sa k nim môžete pridať a či vám pritom zostane čas a priestor aj na vlastnú kreativitu.
Petrine Sociálne Média
Instagram: @petqa
Luciine Sociálne Média
Instagram: @luciaklestincova
IG podcast: @lightsoneurope
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
[EN] You can lobby for Change
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
“Murder of Jan Kuciak is a tragedy but it also prompted an unprecedented awareness in a generation that has taken the European integration for granted. We need to nurture this civic awakening even further.” This is not just a story of Slovakia. People all around Europe embrace a greater responsibility for holding their politicians accountable if trust and respect for human dignity are lost.
Alberto Alemanno and his team at The Good Lobby empower citizens to speak up and inform policy decisions at all levels. Listen to his interview with Lucia Klestincova to hear the story of how he decided to disrupt the traditional advocacy industry, demystify the lobbying process and support citizens with tools needed to embrace their democratic power. He also shares his views on where is the dividing line between the neutrality of a public servant and their right for civic activism; and how to awaken activism among citizens disillusioned with the current state of democracy.
For more episodes, follow Lights on Europe on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify or go to:
To share your feedback, get in touch with Lucia Klestincova via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
Alberto's Social Media
Instagram: @aalemanno
IG The Good Lobby: @thegoodlobby
Lucia's Social Media
Instagram: @luciaklestincova
IG podcast: @lightsoneurope
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
[EN] Corona virus and Brexit – threats to your body AND mind
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
How will the Coronavirus impact Brexit negotiations? And how is this public health crisis similar to the mental health damage caused to the Europeans by Brexit? Laura Shields is a communications consultant and civic activist engaged in the fight for the post-Brexit rights of Brits living in Europe. Learning from her own experience of depression and mental health issues, she is now openly talking about the mental health issues faced by the Brexit generation.
In this interview with Lucia Klestincova, she shares her views of how the COVID-19 crisis is handled by public authorities, which are the self-care practices to protect our physical and mental health, and which are the opportunities that this challenging period offers for the business of freelancers. Stay well and remember to listen to our episodes to learn how to transform your interest in public change into action and impact.
For more episodes, follow Lights on Europe on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify or go to:
To share your feedback, get in touch with Lucia Klestincova via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
Lucia's Social Media
Instagram: @luciaklestincova
IG podcast: @lightsoneurope
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
After she survived the bomb explosion during the terrorist attack at Brussels airport in 2016, it took Elizabeth Krahulecz almost a year to recover from the physical damage and get back to work. The emotional one is still there. She pushed through and became even more engaged in supporting victims of various traumas and women in having greater access to opportunities for career growth and self-expression. As a former diplomat and accomplished government and public affairs professional, she has first-hand experience with and an ambitious vision for transforming the way our businesses and so-called stakeholder relations are managed.
In her interview with Lucia Klestincova, she shares more about her healing process, obstacles faced on her journey of a mom and associate partner at one of the biggest professional services in the world, Chair of the Diversity of Inclusion Task Force at AmchamEU. Listen to this beautiful sharing filled with resilience and vulnerability at the same time.
Lucia's Social Media
Instagram: @luciaklestincova
IG podcast: @lightsoneurope
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
[EN] Ecology, feminism and Europe are all based on the same principle
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
“Coaching women is useless if the leaders don’t get the business case behind diversity. Can’t we see that humanity and our planet need a radical change of leadership?” Isabella Lenarduzzi has been a social entrepreneur in employment & gender equality for 35 years. As a founder of JUMP and Ashoka fellow, she inspired thousands of women and business leaders to transform their approach to leadership, training and innovation strategies.
In her interview with Lucia Klestincova, Isabella shares her experience of being a pioneer of the women empowerment and secrets to successful conversations about equality, but also disappointing experience of raising investment for her social impact company. She is shocking but disruptive and inspiring. Listen to see what needs to be done to move the women empowerment movement ahead and also what’s the common link between the climate emergency and the crisis of our society.
For more episodes, follow Lights on Europe on iTunes, Google podcasts, Spotify or go to:
To share your feedback, get in touch with Lucia Klestincova via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
Isabella's Social Media
Instagram: @isabellajump @jumpequality
Lucia's Social Media
Instagram: @luciaklestincova
IG podcast: @lightsoneurope
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
[EN] On Slovak elections, Greta and European parliament
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
After the victory of presidential and European elections, how can a party lose the parliamentary elections only by 926 votes? Will the values of a liberal voter and of the green movement be represented in Slovakia at all?
This podcast episode looks at the results of the 2020 national elections in Slovakia. To the surprise of many, we saw some unexpected results and many lessons learned for all those interested in political campaigning. Despite the polls, Slovakia’s incoming government coalition will not include the party that was on a steep rise to become a leader of a fundamental shift in Slovakia’s political leadership.
Our guest Martin Hojsík shares his insights into what happened and also about his experience of one of the most active Slovak members of the European Parliament (representing Progressive Slovakia, member of ALDE/RENEW liberal group). In this interview with Lucia Klestincova, you will hear him share about his work on climate emergency and meeting with Greta Thunberg; but also about the campaign in Slovakia: authenticity vs disinfo; touring the regions vs populist shows; diversity vs harassment of political candidates.
For more episodes, follow Lights on Europe on iTunes, Google podcasts, Spotify or go to:
To share your feedback, get in touch with Lucia Klestincova via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
Martin's Social Media
Instagram: @martinhojsik
Lucia's Social Media
Instagram: @luciaklestincova
IG podcast: @lightsoneurope
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
[EN] Analyzing Politics: Slovak elections, Central Europe and beyond
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Does a bit of intellectual arrogance compensate for the absence of a crystal ball in political analysis? Where or what is Central Europe? What will forthcoming parliamentary elections mean for Slovakia?
In this episode, Lucia Klestincova speaks to Otilia Dhand, managing director at Teneo and a mom of two. Listen to Otilia sharing her insights into the cultural identity of Central Europe and what’s so special about the Slovak elections. Learn more about her forecast for the future of political analytics industry and how to shine on this rapidly shifting job market. And try to guess what’s her strategy for raising ‘Slovak’ children with an Indian partner that she’s lived with in London and Brussels!
To share your feedback, get in touch with Lucia Klestincova via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
Otilia's Social Media
Twitter: @otiliadhand
Instagram: @otiliadhand
Lucia's Social Media
Instagram: @luciaklestincova
IG podcast: @lightsoneurope
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Mnohí by povedali, že kultúrna diplomacia je to posledné, čo nás vytrhne z našich problémov. Možno aj preto Slovensko nemá v Bruseli žiadne kultúrne centrum. Pre našich českých susedov je však prezentácia českého pre belgické (a európske) publikum skutočná priorita.
Jitka Panek Jurková ako riaditeľka Českého centra v Bruseli v tomto interview s Luciou Kleštincovou zdieľa svoju skúsenosť s presadzovaním českého umenia na veľmi presýtenej bruselskej scéne. Ako sa dostať na výslnie s obmedzenými zdrojmi a v konkurencii kultúrnych inštitútov Nemecka či Ruska? Prečo je jej práca spojením toho najzaujímavejšieho zo sveta umenia a diplomacie? A aký je konkrétny prínos podujatí ako prezentácia českých videohier?
Sociálne siete - Jitka
Facebook: Jitka P Jurková
Instagram: @jujitka
Twitter: @jujitka1
Sociálne siete - Lucia
Facebook: Klestincova Lucia
Instagram: @luciaklestincova