
The first podcast on a new culture of feminine leadership in Europe, focusing on what it takes to show up as voices of underrepresented communities. Brought to you by Lucia Klestincova & Rick Zednik, two friends connected through their passion for the EU policy making, gender equality and Slovakia. Tune in if you’re also a coaching-junkie, EU aficionado or just aware of the importance of courage & tribe for how we show up as leaders in the political arena. Available on all major podcast platforms as well as YouTube on the channel of Lucia Klestincova. Please help us spread the light further if you subscribe and invite your friends to follow us too!
![[EN] Reclaiming her space between work, politics, activism for diversity and family.](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog6041992/Corinna_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Corinna Hörst is widely known in Brussels as a deputy director and senior fellow of The German Marshall Fund of the United States’ Brussels office. In addition, she is also an advocate for women’s empowerment. She is a co-founder of The Brussels Binder (an online database of female policy experts), until recently President of the Brussels branch of Women in International Security (WIIS) and co-author of book “Women Leading The Way in Brussels” with Claudia Calderhina. In the conversation with Corinna, Lucia Kleštincová goes beyond the obvious subjects. This is the first time Corinna speaks about her engagement after she’s been out for some time due to a burnout. She openly shares about this experience and lessons she drew in order to find a new balance as a senior professional, policy maker, activist and a single mom.
![[EN] EU Policy work rocks!](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog6041992/Venneri_300x300.jpg)
Monday Oct 14, 2019
[EN] EU Policy work rocks!
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Giulio Venneri has multiple voices. Living in Brussels for ten years, as an official at the European Commission he is working on enlargement countries, following rule of law reforms that will make these countries safer and get closer to the EU. Songwriter and musician in his free time, he is guitarist and composer in the alternative rock band DrØnes '72, playing gigs in Brussels and around Europe. Also active in academia, he lectures in several European universities, inspiring students from all around the world not just with his insider knowledge of EU policy making but also with vocational training and career advice. Ever wondered how you can become like a movie director, like “Steven Spielberg”, and work to the development of European Union policies? Then listen to this edition of “Lights on Europe”. Hear Lucia Kleštincová inquire how Giulio’s identity of a policy maker and an artist flow into one, what he thinks about the EU’s motto of “United in diversity” and what is the key to unleashing ones’ creativity. Maybe you’ll also manage to type your next lyrics and melody creation next time you’re walking home, tuned into your latest experience?
Follow Giulio here:
Instagram: @liofunk / @drones27band
Twitter: @gvenneri / @drones27band
![[SK] Novinár, diplomat, politik? Rozhovor s Tomášom Valáškom.](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog6041992/hnet_com-image_300x300.png)
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
[SK] Novinár, diplomat, politik? Rozhovor s Tomášom Valáškom.
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Tomáš Valášek bol menovaný jeden z 28 najdôležitejších ľudí ovplyvňujúcich budúcnosť Európy. V minulosti radil britským Lordom a slúžil ako veľvyslanec pri NATO, ale vedeli ste, že začínal ako športový reportér? Vypočujte si Tomášove odpovede na otázky Lucie Kleštincovej o budúcnosti Slovenska v Európe, o najťažších momentoch jeho kariéry v NATO, o inšpiratívnych ženách v európskej politike či o možnostiach prevencie kybernetických hrozieb v nadchádzajúcej predvolebnej kampani. Dozviete sa aj to, ako sa z novinára stane odborník na obranu a prečo vstúpil do politiky v strane Za ľudí bývalého prezidenta Andreja Kisku.
![[EN] A passion for EU politics, despite and because of its reality.](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog6041992/adam_zx2spk_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
[EN] A passion for EU politics, despite and because of its reality.
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Adam Mouchtar is the ultimate insider of the European Parliament. He helps organise the young European parliamentarians to help leverage their impact and stay true to their ambition to stir the waters of European politics. Listen to his conversation with Lucia Kleštincová about everything from the European identity to the key talents needed to succeed in European politics. Is courage and vulnerability in authentic conversations enough? Find out in this podcast and maybe you’ll also learn whether there’s any space for some art, aesthetics and rap battles in the European Parliament.
Don't forget to follow our podcast on Instagram and Twitter!
Adam Mouchtar on Twitter
EU40 on Twitter
EU40 on Facebook
![[EN] By day, a mild-mannered radio frequency expert working on Europe’s satellite navigation system; by night, a desert running super hero!](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog6041992/Dominic_Hayes_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Think your life is full? Never enough time to combine a career, family time, travelling adventures and personal challenges? Does that little voice in your head tell you it’s time to slow down at your age or that that the pain in your knees would never let you run a marathon? Listen to the inspiring story of Dominic Hayes and you might realize there’s always more time for stuff. By day, a mild-mannered radio frequency expert working on Europe’s satellite navigation system; by night, a desert running super hero! Well almost… His day job, working in a drab, grey, Brussels office, sees him managing the radio frequencies essential for the Galileo satellite navigation system, a role that requires his specialist technical knowledge as well as his policy-making and diplomatic skills. However, he’s also a blogger, traveller, biker, mountain climber and ultramarathon runner.
In this podcast edition, he shares what it’s like to negotiate on behalf of the European Union with the Americans, Chinese, Russians, Japanese and Indians on the one hand, and how he survived a 7-day, 235km Moroccan marathon in the Sahara desert on the other - while carrying Arthur, his squeaky rubber chicken! Listen to his advice on how to push through your physical limits, how to overcome pain and how to prepare your mind for the challenges of a lifetime. Next time you hear that voice in your head, you can tell it (politely) where to go!
Follow Dominic Hayes on:
Facebook: hayesbook
Linkedin: dominichayes
Twitter: @dominichayes
Blog: bikerdom.blogspot.com
![[SK] Bývalý hlavný architekt mesta Bratislavy dnes zodpovedá za budúcnosť budov euroúradníkov. Sníva o tom, že aj na Slovensku sa začnú obstarávať “eko” budovy.](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog6041992/Benuska_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Peter Beňuška búra mýty o tom, že práca euroúradníka je administratívna nuda. Ako bývalý hlavný architekt mesta Bratislava sa stal historicky prvým hlavným architektom Europskej komisie v Bruseli. Dnes riadi výstavbu a rekonštrukciu desiatok bruselských budov ako aj architektonickú súťaž celosvetového významu na dlhoočakávanú obnovu jednej z hlavných častí tzv. európskej štvrte v Bruseli. V tomto rozhovore sa dozviete, či trend open-space kancelárií je vôbec vhodný pre úradnícke tímy, ako funguje spolupráca s belgickými úradmi pri vybavovaní stavebných povolení a čo si Peter myslí o práci bratislavského primátora Matúša Valla. A ak ste na začiatku svojej architektonickej kariéry, Peter má pre vás aj malú radu do života!
![[EN] Listen to the person in charge of busting the myths about boring grey eurocrats!](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog6041992/Anne_Claire_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
If Lucia Kleštincová is passionate about communicating about her EU Careers, Anne-Claire Gathoye is the person who is in charge of the platform making this possible. As a co-manager of programs for the EU Staff Ambassadors and EU Student Ambassadors, she lifts the veil of secrecy of the careers in the EU institutions. Listen to what the European Commission does to bust the myths about boring bureaucrats. And once you’re convinced to explore more, learn also how students at universities all around Europe can also become bridges between Brussels institutions and youth dreaming of working in the EU bubble one day.
Follow the work of Anne Claire's as well as her colleagues on social media:
Connect with Anne Claire here:
![[SK] Vzdal sa TOP jobu v Bruseli, aby cez politiku ochránil Slovensko pred následkami automatizácie.](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog6041992/Sucha__300x300.jpg)
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Vladimír Šucha ako najvyššie postavený slovenský euroúradník riadi tisícky vedcov, miliardové rozpočty a výskumnú infraštruktúru v piatich krajinách. V Bruseli dosiahol maximum - aby nakoniec vymenil kariérny piedestál za vstup do slovenskej politiky. V tomto exkluzívnom rozhovore pred odchodom z Bruselu mala Lucia Kleštincová možnosť dozvedieť sa o vyvažovaní emócií vo svete regulácií, o hranici občianskej angažovanosti a profesionality, ale aj o vízii radikálnych riešení pre záchranu Slovenska pred rozvratom, ktorý môže priniesť umelá inteligencia a katastrofálny stav školstva.
Vypočujte si odkazy profesora Šuchu: pre kolegov a kolegyne v Bruseli, pre laickú verejnosť u nás doma, ale aj pre aktivistov, ktorí hľadajú správnu formu angažovania sa v politike.
![[SK] Vitajte pri Lights on Europe!](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog6041992/webp_net_resizeimage_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
[SK] Vitajte pri Lights on Europe!
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Vitajte pri podcaste Lights on Europe, v ktorom sa môžete tešiť na inšpiratívne rozhovory s vedúcimi predstaviteľmi a predstaviteľkami Európskej únie, ľuďmi, ktorí pracujú na európskych politikách alebo žijú v hlavnom meste Európy a využívajú jej každodenné výhody vo svojom živote či businesse.
Každá epizóda je príležitosťou pre lepšie porozumenie EÚ a ocenenie služieb tých, ktorí ju v zákulisí spoločne vytvárajú.
![[EN] Welcome to Lights on Europe!](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog6041992/webp_net_resizeimage_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
[EN] Welcome to Lights on Europe!
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Tune into Lucia’s podcast Lights on Europe, where you will hear heart-opening conversations and inspiring interviews with thought leaders and experts from Europe.
Lights on Europe shares raw, honest and vulnerable conversations from the EU’s capital Brussels, filled with the transformative journeys that both Lucia and her guests have walked in and outside of their career. Each episode is an opportunity for you to better understand the EU and appreciate the service of those co-creating it for you in the backstage of high-level political negotiations. Last but not least, Lucia hopes you will receive the podcast also as an invitation to consider how you can become a more active agent in a constructive conversation about the EU yourself.